Monday, October 27, 2014


I feel like I've been MIA for the past week, so I decided to catch you all  up with a little snapshot session of what exactly I have been up to.

Work. I officially spend more than 90 hours a week here.

I finally got my favorite sunglasses back that I left in Brooklyn while visiting a pal over THREE YEARS ago! :)

I found my old iPhone and had a blast looking through all my old pictures.  These two were among my favorites....I mean look at that hair contrast!

I discovered the world of nail art and it is slowly becoming an obsession.

I found my old apron from Anthropologie (LOVE!) and did some light house cleaning while feeling quite retro. ;)

While browsing the aisles of my favorite store, the one and only Target, I found these gems.  I almost bought them but then realized why should my dogs have better hair product than me?

Speaking of puppies, I gave my darling Coco a bath this weekend.  Can't you tell she's screaming inside her head, "Stop taking pictures and get me the hell out of here!!!" 

And that's all folks! Smooches!

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