About Me

Hi there, I’m Alex!  I’m a true, born and raised, South Floridian with no trace of a tan – sad I know.  I currently work in the shipping industry as a shipment coordinator for auction houses in South Florida that specialize in antiques, to art, to furniture, that ship all over the world.  (Cool Fact:  We recently shipped a Mounted Deer Head to Jack White!)  This is my first blog and I am still working out the kinks and finding my groove but I think it’s coming along swimmingly.  I try to find time to write, blog, plan whenever I can.  You’ll pretty much always see me with notebook in hand with a necklace full of colorful pens.  My goal for this blog is to share what I know, what I learn, and what I LOVE with my readers.  I have a feeling it won’t be like many out there – as I’m sure because there is only one me right?! 

Fun Facts:
  • I've known my two best friends for almost 20 years <3
  • I've tried going to college THREE times – apparently it’s not for me.
  • I have two dogs that could be mistaken for mops or hairy rodents (the cutest of cute rodents I assure you)
  • I absolutely LOVE music and there isn’t a second in the day that I’m not listening to it or singing (whilst also annoying anyone who has the pleasure of being around me)
  • I am the most indecisive person you’ll meet and have been coined the name “Alex Changer Minder”
  • Writing has always been a passion of mine and one of these days I hope to publish a book.
  •  I ‘m a total goof and klutz and people often ask if I’m sure I’m not a natural blonde – how rude and I wish!
  • I have an odd obsession with my toy dinosaur and make stop motion videos of his life. 
  •  I’m quite always with a bright shade of lipstick on.
  •  Oh and I was named after my dad’s mom, Mercedes, and my mom’s great aunt, Jeannie – hence the origin of my Blog’s name!

Nice to meet you all and I hope you stick around!
<3 MJ

You can also find me here:

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