Thursday, October 2, 2014

What I Wore: 90's Grunge

I've always been told that my style is different, "fashionable", weird even and that has always been ok with me.  I'd rather stand out, then blend in.  I must admit, however, that I've lost touch with my fashion sense over the years. Partly because I've been working at a warehousing and distribution company for three years.  Before that I was in clothing retail and it was a lot easier to keep up with the trends and to express yourself as an individual through your style.  Just going to work would spark new ideas and light bulbs would be going off above my head.  But before I knew it, I was shopping with my girlfriends one day and at checkout I noticed everything I picked out was black and boring.  It was depressing but also a good slap in the head that I needed to get back on my game.  The thing is, when I look through my closet now, I see clothes that are too small, clothes that remind you of a 21 year old, not a woman two years short of 30, and the same shirts and pants I've been wearing for the past couple of years.  Clearly, it's not easy pickings but that's what makes the process fun and creatively stimulating.

With that being said, I've begun to dig deeper into that part of my brain that has back logged my old, "fashionably weird" sense of style, to try and rebuild my fashion personality.  My style changes day to day; I never know what I'll walk out of the house looking like or what I'll choose. Some days I could be stepping out of, "Breakfast At Tiffany's", or walking into a dive bar with my favorite punk band playing on the jukebox.

When I decided to write this post and feature an outfit, I had no idea what I would be wearing nor had any plans in place for an amateur photo shoot. I just woke up one morning, got dressed and went to work.  It was there, while looking into the bathroom mirror, I noticed a definitive look going on - I looked 90's or more specifically, I looked as if I could be a band member of Hole.  So I called up my "photographers" - also known as my best friend Chelsea and my "twin sister"  from another mother, Alex -  to schedule an impromptu photo shoot that afternoon.  Mind you, I am no model.  Yes, I take the occasional selfie but as Ted so rightly puts it in the self titled movie, "Who's your modeling agency? Instagram?"  I felt awkward  in front of the lens, like what am I supposed to be doing with my hands; my arms; my legs; my face - do I smile?  Fortunately, when you take enough pictures and have encouragement from great friends, there are a select few that turn out to be pretty good or at least usable.  Just for funsies, I'll throw in a couple of out takes  as well for a few laughs.

90's Grunge Only

shirt - Target
jeans - Urban Outfitters
shoes - Urban Outfitters
necklace - Nordstrom BP

So there you have it!  I hope you like it - I had so much fun working on this.  Any feedback, advice, recommendations...don't be afraid to leave a comment below.  

Until next time - MJ

*as promised, here are some of the out takes...please enjoy

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