Thursday, October 2, 2014


Welcome to my new blog everyone!  I hope you like it; I've worked incredibly hard on it and I think I may have sprained my brain trying to figure out HTML coding, setting up the navigation menu with my pages, and how in the hell you put social media share buttons on your home page.   In the past week I've spent a total of probably 48 hours or more customizing it just so in order to reveal it to you.  There is still work to be done  but Rome wasn't built in a day right?  I'm so happy to have finally switched over to a more blogger friendly environment - it was time. 

Speaking of the right time, my birthday is tomorrow  and I guess you could say this was my gift to myself and although I've spent more time staring at my template and reconfiguring my layout than sleeping, I'm hoping to conjure up enough energy to go out with my friends tonight.  I'll let you know what happens - who knows, maybe it'll be some crazy night that I'll never forget (we can all hope right?).

Again, welcome to the new and improved Mercedes & Jean.  I hope you keep reading because there are a lot of posts coming up that I'm psyched to share!  If you would like, please leave a comment below with advice, suggestions, or just a simple, "Hey." - I'm all ears, er, I mean eyes.

Until next time - MJ

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