Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So Life Didn't Happen The Way You Thought

When life throws you - no, not a curve ball or a loop - but when life literally (well metaphorically) throws you.  The proverbial toss that lands you in a hole or in the middle of fucking nowhere and because, as the overly used cliche goes, “life isn’t fair”, you aren’t given any direction on where to go.  Which way is up or which way is down.  It’s all up to you.  There’s no time to waste; no time for sulking; no time for a fucking pity party.  You have to get moving or you’ll get stuck.  You’ll get comfortable with the fact that your life has reached a dead end or maybe in some cases the fork in the road.  If you don’t move, trying gets that much harder.  You can’t dwell on the past, and especially put blame on anyone including yourself.  Accept responsibility and take control.  Because that’s the only way out.  The only person who can save you, is you yourself. 

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