Monday, September 30, 2013

The Act of Writing

I’m always afraid to start writing.  Afraid of what it might reveal; feelings and emotions I’ve been trying to keep at bay but once the flood gate opens and the barriers break, there’s no stopping them.  Fear is a powerful thing.  It keeps you from living; it keeps you from trying; it keeps you from discovering.  There are parts of me I have yet to surface, parts of me that are weighed down by my own anchor.  I hope, bit by bit, that I can raise that anchor – so commonly known as trepidation – and eventually see the light of the sun bursting through.  So the more I write and the more I let my hand communicate what my brain has held captive, I hope, I truly hope, that the future, that these feelings I hold so dear will reveal a path to my purpose.  All the lessons; all the heartache; all the failures and trials and triumphs that I withhold from this page, will teach me how to gracefully take the next step in a new direction. 

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