Monday, August 25, 2014

Let's Call This A Do Over

So it’s been awhile since I’ve written - here or otherwise - but for some reason there was this force, a voice perhaps (in the most sane way) that told me to start up again.  It could be because I’ve made some headway personally; emotionally; creatively.  Whatever it is, I’m glad it’s back. It’s what I want to do - blog.  Even it it’s just on the side here and there.  It’s a place where I can share my love for all mediums of art. A place to meet others who share the same passion.  A place to escape from everyday life with it’s interruptions and nuances. I hope to share with you my thoughts, my journey into discovering and learning and teaching everything from hand embroidery, silly DIY projects, writing, photography, recipes I only wish I could make but will ATTEMPT…

So although I had already written a first post, I want to consider this a do over - and I can’t tell you how excited I am to start.


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