Monday, August 25, 2014

make this: DIY Fabric Push-Pin Cork Board

After a Friday night I would call less than uplifting, I woke up feeling an emotional “hangover”. As this is not how a Saturday morning should start, I decided to get in my craft room and rack my brain for a project I had never done and using materials I only had on hand.  I came up with not only a super cute home decor idea but I also came up positive.  It’s amazing how creating something from scratch, with your own hands can lift your spirit and make you feel just plain ol’ great! So here it is: Fabric Push-Pin Cork Boards. Dive in, have, fun, and be happy! :)


What you’ll need:

cork board

fabric (I just used some scrap fabric I had lying around)

scissors or x-acto knife

hot glue gun

good music (optional but recommended)

First choose the fabric you’d like to use, making sure there’s enough for your project depending on how big you decide to make your boards. (Mine are about 4” in diameter) I found an old decorative tin can to trace the circle on the cork board.

Next, use the scissors or x-acto knife (I preferred the scissors because the cut was a lot smoother) to slowly cut the cork into a circle.  I suggest doing this slowly as the cork can crumble and the edges won’t be as smooth and the shape won’t be as intact.

Now cut the fabric so it’s at least 1” bigger than your cork board.  Place the fabric pattern face down and lay the cut out in the middle.


You want to stretch the fabric as tight as you can around the edge of the cork so that in the end it looks like an upholstered masterpiece.  Glue down the first section of fabric.  After this, you want to fold in the fabric (pictured below) as this makes the tightest and neatest look for when you display.


Glue each folded piece one at a time until finished. Even though the back won’t be seen, you can still cover it with another piece of fabric or material of your choosing.


Now turn it over: VIOLA! Your very own push-pin cork board.  I played around with how exactly I wanted to use them, either for decorative purposes only or for putting something special on display.  Take a look at the two ideas I had or come up with your own!


Until next time - MJ

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