Wednesday, September 17, 2014


There’s been a noticeable absence of activity on my blog.  Lest the utter insanity my life has been these past few weeks, I have decided to finally take A Beautiful Mess Blog Life E-Course - thanks to an early birthday present from my beautiful, most gracious Grandma.

The course has 29 lessons and it’s steered towards taking your time for each chapter.  The first of which, is properly named, “Defining Your Purpose”, and boy oh boy, do those ladies know how to lay on the homework.  So as I journey through this course (mind you journey being the keyword) I may have bouts of absenteeism, sporadic topic changes, scattered but I assure you well loved and thought out interests, and what may seem at the time random themes (you could almost say I’m trying them on to see what fits) I promise you, in time, it’s all for the greater good - of my blog.

So I thank you in advance for your patience, your kind and constructive advice, and most importantly, your encouragement.

Until Next Time - MJ

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